Keeping The Lights On And The Wheels Turning
The technical
infrastructure that supports your systems, processes and
communications is the backbone of your information strategy. This
complex web of hardware, software, services, cables, protocols
and much more needs to be flexible, robust, reliable, secure and
well maintained to provide you with the business agility required
for today's competitive and ever-changing marketplace.
Don't let help desk support, PC deployment, battling Spam and
Server issues consume your limited and valuable IT resources. Be
proactive and take advantage of our flexible operational support
services to enhance the customer service you provide internally.
Our Operational Support services include:
Strategy, Planning,
Network Users (Windows Active
Directory, Novell)
E-Mail (MS Exchange, Domino)
Anti-Spam Solutions
Cabling: CAT 5E, CAT 6 &
Fiber Optic
Desktop Computers
Servers (MS Windows NT ->
Server 2003, Novell)
Databases (Oracle, MS SQL
Server, Progress, MS Access)